
Showing posts from July, 2022

Unicode strikethrough text generator / Unicode doorgestreepte tekst generator

This small tool can be use to generate strikethrough text using unicode characters. Generated text may look similar to text generated using the  <strike>  HTML tag or  text-decoration:line-through  CSS attribute, it isn’t. The generated strikethrough text is to paste into  Stackoverflow ,  Twitter ,  Facebook  and etc. INPUT Copy in clipboard Copied OUTPUT New : Use  more unicode text styles  (bold, italics, upside-down, bubble text, etc) with .

Certbot obtain / renew manual (letsencrypt - wildcard)

If you’d like to obtain a certificate running  certbot  on a machine other than your target webserver or perform the steps for domain validation yourself, you can use the manual plugin. While hidden from the UI, you can use the plugin to obtain a certificate by specifying  certonly  and  --manual  on the command line. This requires you to copy and paste commands into another terminal session, which may be on a different computer. To manually renew a certificate using  --manual  without hooks, repeat the same  certbot --manual  command you used to create the certificate originally. As this will require you to copy and paste new HTTP files or DNS TXT records, the command cannot be automated with a cron job. The manual plugin can use either the  http  or the  dns  challenge. You can use the  --preferred-challenges  option to choose the challenge of your preference. I prefer to use  dns , so it would look l...