Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ''. The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035 (You may need to add u'' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.).

I have several Django projects published and my mailbox and log files are constantly inundated with spider errors and hacking attempts to connect to my applications. These error messages have an email subject: "[Django] ERROR (EXTERNAL IP): Invalid HTTP_HOST ...". 

So after spending a long time with this, I solved this problem with Apache (Require).

The correct format for "Require" and "SetEnvIfExpr" is:

^[^_]+ would match a string of 1 or more character containing any character except underscore.



    SetEnvIfNoCase Host "^[^_]+\.my-domain\.com" VALID_HOST

    <Location />


            Require all granted

            Require env VALID_HOST





Or to be more safe we can apply it to file:



    SetEnvIfNoCase Host "^[^_]+\.my-domain\.com" VALID_HOST



            Require all granted

            Require env VALID_HOST





OR with Require expr




        Require expr %{HTTP_HOST} =~ m#^[^_]+\.my-domain\.com#




Based on:

Blocking of Robots


Environment Variables in Apache

Links to resources:


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