Cheat Sheet: Docker, OpenShift, Kubernetes - CLI
Cheat Sheet: Docker CLI
Docker CLI
Command | Description |
curl localhost | Pings the application. |
docker build | Builds a Docker image from a specified Dockerfile. |
docker build . -t | Builds the image and tags the image id. |
docker CLI | Starts the Docker Command Line Interface (CLI). |
docker container rm | Removes a container. |
docker images | Displays a list of all available Docker images. |
docker ps | Lists the containers. |
docker ps -a | Lists the containers that ran and exited successfully. |
docker pull | Pulls the latest image or repository from a registry. |
docker push | Pushes an image or a repository to a registry. |
docker run | Runs a command in a new container. |
docker run -p | Runs the container by publishing the ports. |
docker stop | Stops one or more running containers. |
docker stop $(docker ps -q) | Stops all currently running containers. |
docker tag | Creates a tag for a target image that refers to a source image. |
docker –version | Displays the version of the Docker CLI. |
exit | Closes the terminal session. |
export MY_NAMESPACE | Exports a namespace as an environment variable. |
git clone | Clones the git repository that contains the artifacts needed. |
ibmcloud cr images | Lists images in the IBM Cloud Container Registry. |
ibmcloud cr login | Logs your local Docker daemon into IBM Cloud Container Registry. |
ibmcloud cr namespaces | Displays the namespaces available to the current user in the IBM Cloud Container Registry. |
ibmcloud cr region-set | Ensures that you are targeting the region appropriate to your cloud account. |
ibmcloud target | Provides information about the account you're targeting. |
ibmcloud version | Displays the current version of the IBM Cloud CLI. |
ls | Lists the files and directories in the current directory. |
Understanding Kubernetes Architecture
Command | Description |
for …do | Runs a sequence of commands multiple times as specified. |
kubectl apply | Applies a specified configuration to a resource. |
kubectl config get-clusters | Displays all clusters defined in the kubeconfig. |
kubectl config get-contexts | Displays the current context. |
kubectl create | Creates a new Kubernetes resource based on a given specification. |
kubectl delete | Deletes resources. |
kubectl describe | Provides details of a resource or group of resources. |
kubectl expose | Exposes a resource to the internet as a Kubernetes service. |
kubectl get | Displays resources. |
kubectl get pods | Lists all the Pods. |
kubectl get pods -o wide | Lists all the Pods with details. |
kubectl get deployments | Displays all deployments created. |
kubectl get services | Lists the services created. |
kubectl proxy | Creates a proxy server between a localhost and the Kubernetes API server. |
kubectl run | Creates and runs a particular image in a pod. |
kubectl version | Prints the client and server version information. |
Managing Applications with Kubernetes
Command | Description |
kubectl autoscale deployment | Autoscales a Kubernetes Deployment. |
kubectl create configmap | Creates a ConfigMap resource. |
kubectl get deployments -o wide | Lists deployments with details. |
kubectl get hpa | Lists Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (hpa). |
kubectl scale deployment | Scales a deployment. |
kubectl set image deployment | Updates the current deployment. |
kubectl rollout | Manages the rollout of a resource. |
kubectl rollout restart | Restarts the resource so that the containers restart. |
kubectl rollout undo | Rollbacks the resource. |
OpenShift CLI
Command | Description |
oc get | Displays a resource. |
oc project | Switches to a different project. |
oc version | Displays version information. |
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